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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 27

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 27

Indianapolis, Indiana
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SEVEtlTBEri KILLED liDIAIIA STDRMS CnSned fr Pa a ware sTonjr th conetryai-. Considerable Uve siocic killed. iveer tw ruijM. T5 tornado, which 'orislnated in rr town of FitbLan, traveled: ttriXiac th small town Osefl. U'T wbtr Mrs.

Albert. Anterior -wss I'lled acd a school hens an-S a- chirch were destroyed. It thea eerae ioto Inllana and first btt lied- "rick. In the extrero west 4 of Warren thirty mlltf it of AUirtt. where It destroyed an le-tttor.

echool hoait, church anif all the business Iioqm ant dwellings. tli possible exception of fiv small feome. la 44iUon to taking it tftli of dead ar.4 Injured. ProrelJrs eaat from Hadi-irk. in storm Setroyl the aom7 of tM ora iromr, injur) two wmt 2a th bout.

It wrecked and carried away vrytfclrs- In path from her on to th horn of Thad Crow. hundreds of chickens, sad cattle, z-orsia and farm Implement a. but did eot touch th harn or th fcouM of Mr. Crow, A tenaot'e houa destroyed en tfce farm of Clark Dick, Mnr tree wer oproolTd and moth nljiiBU UraMf Is th district waa deatroye. Fevera! bad of ror arj4 valuable rsttf tfc Liicit farm also wer killed, Teaasrarflaase Kraelt A fanant'a Jiotjs on tha Ulrlc Huil-.

fer arm Btrark and Mr. Tbotnai Mersee, wlfa of the tenant, waa killed. A boy sevetv a jrirj as eleven, wh wi( In the boos, escaped in Jury. Tba atoms' aleo struck tb horse of Hunter, wboa family in, xniona. Mis Weill Kanta, housekeeper, kd hr itr, Florenc unts went, to th basement of tba towie lo an eJort to eseap Injary.

Florence writs was carried from tre basement to a nearby rorn field, hre rr hoflr later -waa fwn4 and Welii Kt'Dtt suffered iot-jriee woes an'l other things stored la the rasement were thrown on; her by tha of tho sal, Th bodies of two ieidfcatlflsd rin, who were killed at 6 loan, were tea to 111 lameoort today and very effort bei-nf made-to Identify tem. The authorities have no clew mm to whom the -wen are or what 1hr wr ftna, but It is belled that ther were worklnf on tb Ctn- rlanatl, IadienspoUe 4fe Weatero rall-rnad and wera nbJo to rrarh" placa of safety when tha siorm deeceoded. Xhe bollee are In a rn utile ted con-Itlan anl look as If they mtht hr rn efrorlt by a heavy object, rrebeblr a tl of dbrle which wae be i pa-, rarried throufh tha air and whte may have dropped on them. Numtrtsa other ceuntle in wMterw wort ladlaee wera vial tel by etbrree. Wire communication with many in Impoteible, but fraramen-tsrr rrncrte Indicates that rroperty iltmtrt wee widespread In addition to the deaths that have been reported.

eaeBBBBeseaaeaBaisoeBBSeBaSJeBweaBes TnrtEB DEAD AT ALCXAWDRIA. 'tetfea Caaarbt by Tornado la Oreeten Vtetalty Seerral Jarre' Serteoaly. (fpedei ta The IndJanapoUf fewel AU.XANDniA. Ind, April II, -With three bodlea in a local mem as a revolt of a tornado which visited the town of Orestes, three miles west of Aletandria, esrly last nlhr. earch- in parties todar wera combine the countrysides and fields In tha of ftrtulnff men and women who heva not baen- accounted for.

Tho dead are 'Charles Ludlow, age fertv. a tlnplst worker; iilchard tloodman, site flftyrive. a farmer livtna- three miles northeast of Alex aadrle. and Mra. Xtollte Upnidraph.

ee fifty, housekeeper at the Goodman home. Tho men were killed Instadtly and the woman died a few houre after recelvinsj her Injuries. Kevaral other persone llvinsr In or near Ureetee were lnjura.1 seriously and nu merotie persons suffered minor hurts 'from tha flyiBf debris. A new home-of M-. n4 lift.

J. Wellborn, two rntUi tit of Alexandria, wee destroyed and Mr. and -Mrs. Wellborn were Injured seriously. Iilve 'T5 Peet, Ludlow waa attemptlnar to bold Shit the beck door of his homo as hi wife, with two bsbles, huddled la ono corner of th room when th Storm struck.

Ludlow was hurled venty-flv feet to tbe south of his home onto tb I E. W. tracks. Ills head wss crushed. Mrs.

Ludlow and the children were thrown Into a neighboring yard. The home waa wrecked. The body of Uoodmanwae -found in a pool of water la a 'field ter hi home. rarniers were searchlne-. th fields todsy near, the Good man home In an effort to find the eleven-year-old dauehtar of Mrs.

lpptdraph, and John a farm hand, who were In tha Goodman nous when th storm Struck. The Knlshte of Pythias bulldlnar In Orestes, the Shaw aerate, the Osrner aeneral store, the Central School hulldtn. ths Orestes silo factory, th -Orestea rannlns factory, the Arm eton aatn elevator and. the homee of Itobert elm a. Samuel Mack.

Her--man Moyerj Ralph. Kermlt 'Klnc. limory Laycock, James Boyco and Ben kl were damaced, tha canalna- factory and the ararssje suf- ferlng moat, tleaot Moved Ma ay reet Th roof of th Knlents of Pythias b'jtldlns: and of the Central School bulMtnr were lifted. Tb Lake Krle eV Western railroad passensrer depot was pu ked op and dropped many feet down the track. A wrecking; crew from Tipton had cleared th track -thle mrrtnav -The estimated loss In -the Itttl town 300.000.' The Orestes Christian church between two.

destroyed. OuilUlniTM ceped rnttrely. Accordlns to Orestes reaideota the unnel-ahaned cyclone cloud waa noticed at o'clock Monday evenlna. A terrific burst of wind was followed br a cloud buret. Mov-i In In a northeasterly direction th clone made a second dip at-the horn i of air and Mrs.

We I born, deatrovina- th bunvaiow. Mr. and Mra. Wei born were'du out-from tinder a pile of bricks. Welbom's left lea was broken In two places end Mrs.

Wei born was Injured Internally. A larae stoca. bars owned by Charles Walker, a stone throw from the Welbora home, ti rai-d by the wind. Considerable live stock was kUled. 7 -tseed tbet Tbtrd Ttae.

Continulne; to th northeast th -cyclone dipped a' third time at th Kchelan. lrm, th ihwlnn barn and unrooflns; the lewli Vorel barn nearby. Mr. and. Mra.

Jamea Iinry. who were milk-. Ins; In a brick butldine- on th old Kally axe factory aite. directly In the path of the clone as It traveled northeast from th Schwinn. farm.

wer buried under a brick wall. Kinney euftrred a fractur of th left arm and other injuries and Mrs, 'Finney- suffered Internal Injuries. Across. the road the Karate oi jacoo Keiiitarts was rased and not a stogl tece or lumber could be round today. rhe Uetlriarts automobile was thrown on Its aide.

A stiort distance to the east, the hen of Mr. and Mra. Milea Dickey was lifted in the air and carried to the Lie Four railroad tracks, fifty feet away. The Dickey family escaped injury. Two -milea northeast, the cyclone dipped a fourth time, at the Richard cioodmaa farm.

A la rare barn on the Virgil Zimmerman farm waa demolished and tho roots of th Mt church and school bous vera of. and trclUy wires are down north and eaet of Alexandria and traction and railresd service Is at a standstill TVO DEtBi O.tB ItJinCO. B-fy of On Wat Carried Mr Qaarvee SI lie by AVIad. Special to The Indianapolis Vvl KENTLAXI. Id, April U.Two persons are dead and.

ono, was e-riously Injured as a result of a tornado; which swept over th countryside four mil northeast of Brook le afternoon. -The '''---'-V' 'Mr. -A, C. wife of farmer, the wss so severely Lnjured that she died soon after INDIANA TORNADO SerenUen persona tare bra killed ia Indiana in tie lut twenty-fotxr hoar, litre hare bera dronrneHl, and nany pertoaa hare been lajaretl as a reaalt of tornadoes and floods. Death la storms hare eeerred fa the localities of Hedrick, Williams-port, Orestes and Brook.

A teas drvwned late yesterday at Craw-fordsTill ajod two were droimed earlier in tlte day, one near Noblearille and the otJber ia the locality of Definite if a res ra tlte nnm-ber of persons injured by the storms are not available, bt the amber is a score or more. While most of the da mate was in that part of the state north of Indiana poUs, some loss is reported from southern counties. With fair weather and cessation of rains, which bars been anssnal ia number is tha last week, floods that resulted are expected to recede rapidly ia all places, except the extreme southern part of Indiana, where the crest of some of the layfer stream win not be reached for several days, as coach of the rise of tUami north has not yet reached them. "Loss by floods and tornadoes ia the state will total teas of thonsands of dollars. Growing wheat is i believed to hrve been damaced badly by nfjb water.

Telephone and telerraph lines also have suffered severely. Roads and bridres hare been washed oat ia numerous counties. river. Fall creek aad all tributaries ia And near Indianapolis reached their peaks Monday night aid were falling today. WIND MARKS TRAIL OF DEATH AtID RUIN ACROSS TWO STATES CHICAGO, April 18.

Sweeping- northeastward tbrtrajh the middle western states, a storm, which had its origin in the Rocky mountain region Sunday, had passed over Ohio today, leaving its wake death and much destruction. A loss thirty-four lives was attributed to the storm, which dereloped considerable energy as It progressed over Illinois and Indiana, taking in many places the form of tornadoes. Damage to property will run into millions, it is believed. Accompanied by rains which sent streems, then swollen, coursing- far beyond their usual channel a th storm brossbt added suffering- and inconveniese to some communities which tor several days bare been effected by flood coadltiona. A drop la the tern per tare to below the seasons! normal added to the discomfort of fs millet whose borne a were destroyed by wind or made uninhabitable by flood, and who are living lo tente or Improvised shelter.

Indiana apparently felt the fall effect of the windstorms. In tKtl state seventeen persona ere known to hsv met death In different communities. Esrly yesterday tha storm centered Ift Illinois striking a number of villae-ea In th darkneee. tornadoes wrought bavoo to many homes being taken to a hospital at fteneeelaer. Lena Dillon, a dausrhter.

body was found by a searching party more than a quarter of a mile from her bom. A. C. Dillon was taken to the hos-pltsl at Itensselaer. and Is said to be seriously, though probably not fatally Injured.

ft The Dillon home was destroyed. All of tb outbuildings also were blown down- and aorae cattle were killed. Little damage was done to other property la the neighborhood. Tk Dillon home wss two miles north of the country home of George Ad, -the author. The Ade country place wae not damaged.

HEAVIEST LOS AT DISKO. aeartr Every Uas Ther Kle Stra Deaaaa-e ta Wabash Ceaaty. Special to The Indianapolis Kew WAISA8H. April Wabash county farmers, especially those in tha northern and eouthern parte of "th county, today were recovering a best they could from damage don by a small tornado here Monday. Merchants in a number of small towns In ths northern pert of the county also suffered.

Th heaviest loss from the wind and rain was st Disko. on the Wa-bssh-Fulton county line. There wster flooded practically every or, in the town. The business dlstri'-, which Is across the line in Fulton county, also was flooded. Water remained In the streets last evening to a depth of ssveral inches while a foot of water covered the Chicago A.

Erie railroad tracks la placea At Roann the Methodist episcopal parsonaga was damaged and numerous homes, the Roann elevator, storerooms and barns were unroofed, gander fiblllinger suffered a loss of SsOo when his garage wss blown down on bis car. From all parts of Paw Paw township reports are coming In of as linemen progress In telephone repairs. allies of telephone poles snd wlr sr down in Pleassnt end Paw Paw townships, and It will be a week or mor before they can be replaced, according to officials of the various telephone companies operating In ths northern pert of the county. From all reports the twister etarted near Disko. It then cut south through Roann, following the Bel river through Laketon and North Manchester, subsiding a short distance this stds of Silver Lake in Kosciusko county.

Telephone connections In the southern part of th county sr being- rapidly made, and reports from LAfontalne, Somerset, Pioneer and other southern towns say that the loss will not be as heavy around thos places aa was first feared. This wss th first severe windstorm here In seven years, th lsst oat, Ir llll, In the southern part of th county, doing thousands of dolls rs -worth of damage, injuring a dosen persons and killing hundreds STEAMSHIP LIXES. BERENGARIA One of the threeloreest ships in the world. This stately liner, five city -blocks long, typifies Cunand's dominant position in trans-Atlantic speed and luxury. With the MAURETANIA and AQUITAN1A, she forms a fleet that offers the fastest serYice.

between the new world and the old. Sailings every Tuesday from New York ssadersas ratca, try one of ae eeitaeTa, SCYTHIA, SAMARIA, i irnvti A ecAor LiaerCAWEKON I 9 At waj CUNARD and ANCHOR I STEAM SHIP LINES Apply Company's Local Agents Everywhere r- i ZUt 4 If yo woald enjoy mm miuomol day at as aruA AND FLOOD TOLL and such reports as were available from agricultural communities which bad been stripped of nearly all means of communication indicated that fifteen pereons had been killed Missouri. Iowa and Kansas bad felt the etorm early Sunday, but in these statee it lacked the latensity that marked Its sweep across Illinois and Indiana and Into Ohio. Two persons were reported killed in Mlseourl. The death toll wae severe In central Illinois.

The villages of Irvln-ton and plainfield. near Centralis, were badly wrecked and eeveral persons were killed. Other fatalities In this state wera in small rural com-muni ties Wires were blown down by the wind and telephone and telegraph companies hurried today to complete repairs. With restored communication It was rea-srded as probable that complete reports might show even greater disaster. of heads of live stock on farms tn Walts township, which was the hardest hit.

1IKAVY DAMAGE AT WHEELING. Several BalMlaar fa Delaware Caty Vlltag-c I'arwwfed. Special to The Indianapolis Kews MUNCIE. April 18. A tornsdo, which swept over the northwestern part of Delaware county and touched the southern edge of Grant snd Bisck-ford counties st 7 o'clock last night, blew down severs' barns, twisted and unroofed houses and rased telephone -poles.

The 'vlllagje of Wheeling-, ten miles south of uncle, waa hard hit. Telephone wires are down and communication with the district was difficult, but no livee were lost and no one was severely Injured. The tornado ricocheted over a stretch about five miles wide, dipping here and lifting there. It psssed over Clsston with a great roar, and struck Wheeling snd then lifted and did further damage on a score of farms between Wheeling and Kston. Telegraph poles were thrown serosa the Chesapeake it Ohio tracks near Gaston, requiring the services of a wrecking crew from I'eru.

The old Pennsylvania railroad station in Wheeling was lifted from its foundation and carried forty feet away. Barns were torn down on the farms of Arthur Aueton. Elmer Case. Kalph Gregory. Harris.

Davis limbert and Manson Campbell. The home of James Dunlap, in tha same neighborhood. was wrecked. Members of the family were not injured. T) dwelling of Mrs.

Alslna Tuttie. nearby, was twisted from Its foundation. T. B. Johnson was severely cut by glass when all the windows were blown out of his house.

All fsrm buildings at the home of Charles Welch were leveled, but the dwelling wss not damaged Daniel Welch. J. W. Farnura. John Cox, Wll-lard Collins and W.

O. Edwards suffered heavy losses. The brick school building. the Methodist church and the Odd Fellows' hsll In Wheeling all were damaged, the roofs of the church snd school being blown off. The general etore and postofflc in Wheeling-, managed by Lafe Hoover, was unroofed.

Most of the residents of Wheeling-, on hearing the storm sp-proachtng. took refuge rn cellars. Five miles northwest of Eaton, the tornado dipped attain, striking the farms of William Rinker and James Studebaker. leveling all fsrm bulld- AM UaRMKXTS. 1CN TEE PALAIS E3 CF IXBIAXAPOI Mast by MIAMI LUCKY SEVEN LYRIC Ceattaaoas VaadevUle Us til 11 p.





SSc. Aaaaal Beaef It Prrferataae tmr Artara' Iaiaraare Faad. with aerially Added Fe a tares. Oaly. Friday.

April 21. Tickets Sal Advaaiee. TICKJETS ARE READY FOR JUBILEE" lng and blowing the windows out oat of tho dwelling. Service on the Ft- VTayn division of th Union Traction Company waa interrupted evera! hoars by poles across the track. The local exchana; of the Indiana Bell Telephone Company reported 2 telephone poles down iu the northern part of the county.

TWO STORM 1TBAR MARIO. fTkra to Tb LsdiaaapoUe Ve-ws MARTOX. April l. High winds did heavy damage south of Marion last nLght when two distinct si Of me. one at I JO o'clock and aa- Mh.r II aVlark.

vleitet tb county. In tha vlclaity of Fowlertoa a barn and a be as belonging to Homer Hsr-rls. a farmer, were deatroyed. Mra Harris, who was In the house, waa removed from the wracicaaje uninjured. Mr.

Harris was in the barn and escaped unhurt. The barn waa carried a considerable distance. Many small buildings were blown away. Betweea Matthewe and Wheeling severel baraa. a larx number of telephone, telegraph and electric Uirht poles and many fences were blown down Severe damage la reported at Wheeling bat no loss of life.

The storm struck with terrible speed and the high winds threatened to carry everything; in tte path. Communication ta difficult b-ecause Dearly all of the telephone ltnee south of I Marion are down. Traffic on the in-I terurban line south of the city wae I entirely cut off for Mrl hours last i nle-ht. The etorm Is said to have been sever at Surr.mitville and Alexandria. PREPARE TO MEET FROST.

Obi Farmers Tara Savlea Fralt That Eacaped Storaaa. COI.UMBCS. O. April 1. With the storms of the last twenty-four hours apparently over.

Ohio farmer and fruit growers were making preparations to fight a heavy frost, predicted for tonight in this state by the weather buresu The frost may be "killing-" in the lower districts, the weather bureau announced. The tomkdo. which yeterday wrought havoc In Indiana and Illinois lsst worked its wsy into Ohio, cutting a swath through Auglstze snd Allen counties In northwestern Ohio. Injuring three persons and doing- much property damag-e. The tornado cut a path several hundred yards wide, passing south of Lira a and continuing in a northeasterly direction.

Several houses and at leaat fifteen barns were reported demolished and some live stock was killed. Wire communica-tione was demoralised and trees and s-rowlng crope damsired. The injured are Mra. John Van Fleet, of Todor. who was brought to a local hospital after her home had been rated by the wind, snd Mr.

and Mrs. J. Riley, of Buckland. a village south of here, who were removed from the wreckage of their home in a serious condition. FARM BClLDIXGt DAMAGED.

Wlad Stents Ttrar Haatiaat t' are-eta Haea aad Baraa. Special to The Indlanaroli New 1 HUNTINGTON. Ind. April 18. A storm of cyclonic proportions did considerable property damage siong a pathway from the German settlement west of the city on the Wabash-Huntington county line to the Goahen road north of the city.

The storm moved in a northessterly direction. The barn st the parsonage of the German church on the county line was lifted from its foundations and de- oslted In the road. Several other arns In ths neighborhood were dam aged. A cement block garage was moved about 100 feet and a car left standing- on the floor of the garage where it had been stored. The Henry Michel barn wss blown down and a poultry house demolished.

Many chickens perished. The garag-e was wrecked. The roof of the Michel home waa torn off and csved In. At the Dr. W.

W. Smith farm, north of Hunting-ton on the Goshen road, the barn roof was blown off and a chicken hpuse was demolished. Part of the roof of the residence was blown off and glass blown out. At the Iemley farm a garage and wood-fhed were blown against the house. The roof was blown off and the house snd summer kitchen were moved fifteen feet.

THREE COUNTIES Is PATH. Toraaeo Traveled East Frssi Chasa-aalga Caaaty, IIIInl. late Iadiaaa. Special to The Lndianapolia News) DANVILLE. 111..

April 18. Shortly after 3 o'clock Monday afternoon a tornado struck the edge of Champaign county, Illinois, and continued eastward through Vermilion county. AMUSEMENT. RIALTO Musical Comedy DannyLund'sBigReview Matinee Every Day THE REGULAR. SHOW AND THEN SOMI 6sSs wroeaef go ta MSt0wic fund NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS wCrteatal MONSTER.


Ono person was killed at Og-den, HI. Flv eharcbea. twty-thr dwellings aad business bouses la tb path of tb tornado were demolished, aad persons were Injured. Th property damage probably will reach $500.00. At Ogden.

eighteen mtlee west of Danville, the tornado appeared -to rise, and it next struck at Flthlaa, where a church and several small bouses were demolished. At Bismarck, north of Danville, a number of houses were unroofed and considerable damage wae done. At Hedrick. Werren county, only six houses were left in the village. DAM AGE I CASS COt ST I Crop aad Frwtt (affrr Fraa Wlad a KalsWtadew Pun SpesaJ to Tb fadlsnaooba J-w7 LOGANSPORT.

Ind, April A hailstorm over the southern part of Cass county last night did damage to grain crops and fruit. Many window pane were broken. Farmers la thst vtctntty said the hail fell for fifteen minutes and that hailstones as Isrge aa quail eggs were found. On the farm of Edwin March seversl chickens and pigs were killed by the hail. rwtN aad Plalafteld, III, Bit.

NEWTON. Ill, April II On man waa killed and damagre eatimated at 250.000 waa cauaed a tornado AMl'SEsMTS. 27 4. I (Vi 0 1 UUUeyU uliLc 1 li AND(fP A RCAL SHRINE SHOW. OP CM Mill? AT rtK APR.

20-21- 22 MINSTREL SHOW AT BI5 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2JIS EJd: BAZAAR ffiQfif IS MlPtfGMT DAILY. Bj tfjfest Furvfest of the Year. One Ticket Admits to Show and Btizenr. I Price 19? plus tax At ore.

excHAMG aovamci rcxtrs VOW. IT AT vmT TmtATRC EVERVB6DYt7ELC0tfE -1 a whldh passed through this part early yesterday. Th storm was accompanied by driving rain. PlalnfJeld, a villa- near here, was almost High water tn the vlclaity of the storm also caused great damage. Bmild tagr Vmk.

Trera l'relr4. PAWPAW. Mich, April 11. Scoree of bnildins war leveled and hundred of tree uprooted by a wind-sterna thst swept across th Indiana state line in southwestern Michigan last night. The full force of the storm wss felt about half a mile east i of here.

Only one person was in- Jured. Trew Lvted. Wire 1 Special Th Indianapolis 2tewa WASHINGTON. Ind, April 1 Aj gal that leveled trees and damaced telephone wires swept over Daviess county Monday evening. Only minor! damage was done buildings.

The rslrc; thst followed measured .17 of an inch. atkm lagtaaa locality Hit. Special to The IncVanaeoUa Newel BEDFORD: Ind, April l. Word was received in Bedford this afternoon that a hard storm Sptoa-kopt last night, unroofing a number I or nouses, oiowing; uow one. ana ao- ing much damage.

Spionkopt is in the Oolitic locality, seven miles north I of here. TO THE GENERAL PUBLfCJ' THURS. FRl. SAT. All Seats Reserved mm mesemto stats aato aft mm memCATS CAT A 4JSMT OA OTFfCM.

Storming Through The Doors of The Circle This Week Make it Necessary to Present FOUR DE LUXE PERFORMANCES DAILY With Complete Orchestra and Stage Specialties at FOR NORMA TALMADGE IN 1 "SMILIN' THROUGH" The Masterpiece of Love Eternal THE PIANO BAND With Sixteen Girls Playing Classical and Popular Selections! AUGMENTED BY A VOCAL! PROLOGUE INSPIRED BY THE FEATURE PHOTOPLAY AND THE ENLARGED ORCHESTRA OF THIRTY PICKED MUSICIANS DOORS OPEN 12:00 O'CLOCK ON WEEK DAYS 1:30 SUNDAYS Vv "ill TZa RUSSIAN FAMINE BROKEN. Hwver Say All That S3v May Be deeded. WASHINGTON. April It. Secretary Hoover was understood to hav advised President Harding aad hie cabinet today that it waa that not all of the S20.

090.00 appropriation provided by the con area for fHOTorut. TTT HTTt' SZsfSZJIIZliid Harold LWyd, "Next avaU Over" Ta Cld Sew York. A-rS I a 1 I -a Just Follow the Crowds to LOCV'S StStC VBSl nusstaa raBef would bo needed, fim- la conditions i In Russia were reported by Mr. Hoover as Improving! greatly. James Goodrich, of Indiaaa.

i expected to reach Washtngrtvn this week to report on famine condition Secretary Hoover sa id. Mr. Goodrich la coming directly from the Volga regrton from which preliminary re. ports hav recently cosne Indicating that th backbon of th Flueslaa famine had been broken, Elaine Hammentcin "Reckless Was. D.

Tytr Last Prodacttea. BETTY COMPSON 'The Green Tenptatioa" FOX NEWS WKEKLT Bresxit Xew Trk 1 Tasw MAJE lvlLLartx "JAZZ JAMBOREE" Fictorially gtzrpastes nay. vhing ever, achieved hi motion pictures dmmatieally grips, fascinates and to--thralls you a complex magnificence that astound yon a direct simplicity that drowns yoa in a sea of emotions. THE WHOLE TOWN IS TALKING ABOUT "Foolish Wives" SECOND BIG WEEX OT THIS COLOSSAL DRAMA OF MONTE CARLO. By and With VON STR0IIE1M OHIO-NOW 4 1 i i i 1 i.


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