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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 34

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 34

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

01 AUCTION SALHS. Furniture Sale p. Market ii Hr. tr.duair.g rarr. crtr.

OS 1 r.rary tr.i. rfr tiwr i.r.r, tlmort ftw; tnl kiifr Mma tir, fcurg. several r. r'cVr. eao.

a'. In jtrer. g.rJe boa, stool. 1 rirn new Ut.Kt otrl fn iwvgaay at i tia. rffrnfijif.

ruga, email 1 SIX lair. rr, tnter iter it.i. av rl Ji, to IiIkkM. f.4 lot 1ii Ti u)fji: f'r presents. McKadden Eurkhardt lw FRIDAY, 9 A.M.

ur Kurliim row. I '3 X. Kena'e; lake Nnnhtnrn ae. ar; wfl eil fxy) tm 1 jmilur. moi(inr da I li rrv MM.

a Tra, die, chtf f'nttav 'is. (rfliiU rnaUre a tara, iir. 9tU rig. A wi n. Iwauff.g eosa rr.g.

stifh fiMnM, a wing tnaCinAe; a foatung fr)ii n4 ft lo hr fM Otult your an xm u. Aorti y. r.T onr.K titles, auctioneer illSCLLLANLOUS. "tJl'ti uroy in i iaiiVui at 4i I'iviaioo n4 VaivJaJlta rtirol. ave (HIT.

rOVHVMUi AKD 1ACIII.V NOTICI aPTOPOSAUL Monthly 'ateitint Kvmbf, hr( iin' in fr.ury Xitvmlitr faiflbd 44 T'rfal k. I ocnaral 44 tirhl ti l4rkphM JKrl ltt' aUH '4)' rvnu fr tui two I47.ltt r.ivlrnt lnnutlm. tt Jr4.t lnkln. 01. afwal UtmUiUm latPl4 (.....

47. 1 tHumm (K.hool Ml lmi i I I llMiMl t.UI It Total OutunJtng IJ.JA4 L7. Ml.n.TP.Ii:. orru i Kit en. FINANCIAL.


KIIANK K. MWtKH, fHKitK NT. Hlxt jTfiNKT Ma Mranii fiMft ttm In rfinpolti anl tnilana real eauie. ctnnAt.TAn riNANce compaxt, jit nelltr Truat blrtf. Wain W.

rVK KIMANi Ifli liriUI)IN' OP i ai'AHtmkst iionKjt ani mppikkhh Vl.OTH, MIAN WON KIT OS MORTJ AOK 1 NI UK At. KKTATK TITLK (nth ai'tm. WH.IU noTMt: invk.jt MKNT Mi UtalCKl: ANNEX, MAIN HiM MORTOAUtt A UM AND ITT IT.fd'Kfin. AKTNA T'I. INV, riUKUTT TRL'HT IH.fVl MAIW TIM.

iNsi'li iSV III all A MHliT tt rOHTKR, taiw Main 704, i TVtNTH iiyfii on moutI OAllKM IITH flllT: fOVONO HOnTO A'JB UHNH t.KWIH, MKfU'HANTM FlANK. K(fiHT lra llurvt ir Co, fornwun, nr rt, 17. par liara. AMdraaa box Kawa ArtM, Vly rVty and prraonal loan 'nf an 1 (f i housht. D.

fiipr. Ak rai rauia, ralrM loan, nr plan, K. SIlKlTON. Narth KM. Axil.

4H 71.V I'll VaTTI HON, ioof low prompt real raid Inana. iv ANTI.I rTil moriaaiia loan, 4 pa cr. Mftin rt mKK CHATTFL LOANS. aaSaSaMaaSyarV CAN BORHOW; MONEY f0 CIIKAP nl mifh av lrm nf rrparmant from rtrlalliy loan Company, a llpnaa1 and hond4 firm, for tia in pacing nvantua hllla oc to hv tho 1)lr nad tor CASH at I'AnOAIW lRf'VS that avary ona ahould UHa iJvanlaga nf our aervlca. LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to at laral ralaa, nn ahart nntlca and wlthnut uMl Vty.

We give ynu all the ilmerei want rrpy a loan and only chare fnr ha Kl Hmo ea have ina nny. Fair, lnt It? YOU CAN AFFORD TO BORROW On 40 psy $2 a month and interest 0 pay $3 a month and interest On $100 pay a month and interest tsA MORU AVY TIMT! AND RCDt'CB Tlir COHT. IN YOUR BEHALF are an the Job right hnure a Say, an4 Ihrauth rrtiaj rnniarl and pcrnnnal aerv Ira, plu a drrp prrnnnal Inlrraat. 't Can arrva you and your frtnrta at you wish la be aarvrd. In ltaaa unusual tlmra, bualna.

a ftirntlahlpa, rlfaa rclatlnna, mutual under a'andlnn an1 eo oprrailon ara aata a i all af ui. Wa are ready to go thraa fourtha tr way. Now it la up to yeu. 7 FIDELITY LOAN CO. 108 E.

Market Street Room 532 Lemcke Bids. Main t.n. Auto. PERSONAL LOANS Made by a Reputable Concern $24 to $300 v. 1 anly aiaraawarr that you are rr manrntlr Inralrd.

NO WORTHY FER. hliFl'SED. Our rhargra are flsad by law, will I'Ta you any amount up to J00 anl gvva ou all I ha time you naed ta repay the jnaney. Yoil pay the Irgat Intereet. and nniy for tha actual number et eaya you una lha money.

If rovt owe another eompanr. come to ue and we will pay thetu or and ad vanca ymi more money for yoar praornt netie. and you can act your own time tor rwaymant. oi hate Ann iflw oi'R ruN IS THE UKST. 1 Wa la not notify employer, welt her So a make tnqutrtea of your frlmda or rale live.

It will coat you nothing to rail and have ua riplaln our proposition, and a very smell amount If you borrow. If In a aceclet hurry, phone Main New and we will do the rest. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Room Si 7 Indiana Trust bldg. Iexn4 Floor Waehlngton at.

and Virginia ave. A trTATF, LU'KNSKP CONrKRN, A DECIDE ADVANTAGE Wofienng an actoant with ua. $200 $300 "OM tH.T. TWENTY PAYMENT PLAN" irt ay back Vt Ji a pjonth. VN'irh interest at S'ii per cent, a month.

Pay fsater If you like ca. Kor exemola, t'ay a lean full In One Month, TOTAL CCVT. H.T5, Tau say only for the actual tlm loan tuna. Interest la charged only on the actual snvurt of ceh UU oulstandlna. fvma In end get frro hookiet.

"The Twrnty F'axmeet flsn," which desi rlbe everything fill'. 'I confidential, loan er furntture. Planoa." Vlclrolaa. Live S(o Automobile, without re al. any amount t'A.

Aao an ramnle, etc. or write. INDIANA COLLATERAL LOAN CO. fcsTAm.rstiEn Dl tlMRARU fU.rxj K. WASHINGTON tT.

r'Vrft ate In 2i CHATTEL LOANS Per Month No Other Chares INDIANAPOLIS PUBLIC WELFARE LOAN ASSN. Occidental Bid. Directors Joare Coinaa, rbrir. i J. Mooaey, A.

(, fs. Kaufman, l.cvcy lacg oWa.r.?. CHATTEL LOANS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY Investigate I 1 tall style llir wor.n I Hl AMLUll A 1UA." enisle m.rW 5t irm h'. a.

Bn mahogany 1 rM la tie. marim 5 RATES METHODS $25X0, total cost 4 months, $2.13 tlOJOQ, total cost 4 months, $L3 All other arooants same KO CHARGES FOR PAPERS. NOTHING DEDUCTED I Loan made on Furniture, Victrolaa, Pianos, Live Stock. Etc Call 'or Telephone vs. AMEEICAN LOAN COMPANY 203 Law 134 Market St.

Phcmea Main 23S3. Aoto. 21 4ZZ. MONEY TALKS WE LOAN UP TO $300 On Automobile, Stock, Piano and Furniture Inveatigate our plan and tjay. now WITH OUR CASH We Celiere YOU CAN SAVE more than the cost of the Joan be sides the convenience of payments.

Come In and talk it orer; it will cost 7otx so thins. CAPITOL LOAN CO. 1414 E. Washinrton. ifain 85.

New 27 1M. PRIVATE LOANS $100 for $3X0. $50.00 for $1.75 ANY AMOUNT UP TO $300.00 ttmitur, plana uiomottH or mt thins oC NO ONE KNOWS: STRICTLY PRIVATE' AND CONFIDENTIAL Our metao ja are different mni Mil learn ANY PAYMENT THAT YOU CAN i PAY ON ANY SIZE LOAN. (UlII to4ar a n4 Jnveat if, wr aav our mn rail lal Aatav rTi INDIANAPOLIS FINANCE COMPANY 3il la K. Marfcet at.

IF YOU NEED MONEY US We 1U loan In mouota from tU to UN aajr ana owning; FURNITURE PIANOS DIAMONDS i 0 'will allow ru to tvi it on our smalt tnonihtr tiamM payntema to autt yo'ir um io4y an1, what mony yew naal ail all ymir nutatanrltns illia. THE INTERSTATE. COLLAT ERAL LOAN CO. WV'I TO Vn ODI KEIJjtJW rBT.tKl. J.

M. Ilra, Manager. 'Sirtbai wrser ennayrraota rJ Wh iDgtnn at. Remember TonsninD TONSnjNS ts the National Sort Throat IiemdjA it ia sold is erery fctate ia the Union Most people buy ft bottle occasion ally because most reopls occasional? hare 8ort Throat. buy it for the prompt, welcome relief it brin ft to sufferers from this tusJadf Vou "jut forget Sore Throat if jrou wil only reroemW rONSILINE ana ec me rxnuf miiv mil waits for you at jrsui dnigita CcUow on ths bottle when rod Ctt 5 cents and C3 oesta.

Uos at Hf. a aA Tsa cAio, saaaa va LIFT OFF CORNS 1' VVITH; FINGERS Few Drops of Than Corns Lift OffNo Paint A tiny bottle of MFreczoneM costs to ittle at any druc store; apply a few drops upon any corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lilt that bothersome corn or callus rieht off with your finrers. Truly! No humb.ut:! Advertise 1 SAVIIJG LIVES Father John sHe'dicirie For Dangerous, Obstinate Colds. No Injurious Drugs Never wait for a cold to wear of it wears away the lumrs 1 instead.

Neglected colds often lead to pneumonia. Father John's Medicine gives prompt a a rcnci irom corns ana throat troubles. Guaranteed free from alcohol and nerve destroyine druirs upon which many medicines depend for their temporary effect, and which are dangerous, because they weaken the body and allow the disease to pet a deeper hold. ovr.n mm imm iwn: TRY A WANT, AD IN THE NEWS RAILROADS ORDERED TO SURVEY COA be dliver4 to plants. ut Ktea HMDtUli, to prTnt rfamare dner to the piant Jbo Don.

chairma oi xne Ptanylvacla ratilrol coal commit tee In Is4U.f3poli, inJicte that a conierene with the of riciai ot ue InJana imH IJfrht and Heat com pany, the utility, company on me liee woma poiiy htd todar to Hon the consompttoa Of electri eurreftt by pit, ic ream and candy mannracxorers aa imilar ndutrtea. retail etoreo and eatablisfcroeata tfealiasr "i nooeen EaoBeft larweIoo. Cocidermble confuaion exists re 1 carding the coal aitoatioa iBdi anapoti. due to the fact that explicit fnatnictiona resardics the Carneld order of laat Monday bare pot been received and from the fact that there is no central administrattve agency to carry out the lnstnc.ions of the fuel administration. Sobjeet to Re clonal Direet Presomabiy.

accord! ngr to railroad officiate, the railroads are the repre. entatlres of the administration, bat no definite instructions have yet been received regarding the extent of their authority, nor any expllcit'directions concerning what industries and retail stores are to receive foeU nor what means may be employed for enforcing their decisions. fiaflroads In IndisnspoUs are to the orders of resrional direc tors and committees and although It is understood the regional directors receive the same instructions from the central coal committee in Washington, these orders are frequently interpreted differently in th orders issued by the regional committees, to the railroads. Mr. Ioerr said that In Chicago the railroads, acting under a central ter mine! coal commit fee.

have taken charge of the distribution of coal by the retail dealers of the city, while In Indianapolis each of the railroads la acting separately under instructions from their regional committees. Blf Fear Itaatewetiona. The 'Big Four railroad today received the following Instructions from the federal manager In Cincinnati: "Sufficient coal will be furnished to other plants (not In first five classes of administration oriorltv list to prevent danger or damage to plant. As to retailers, agreement must be demanded that coal released to them Is not for delivery to manufacturing nlanta when nermtts for carload ship ments would not be issued for such Dlanta. In everr case a cent must state on.

Form that such agreement has been made by applicant and is In aarent's possession. Applications cov ariner coal for. manufacturers of food and food products should be carefully analysed as It Is only Intended to release to them coal for their cur rent needs. Deliveries to nonessential Plants will be discontinued. Arrange ments should be made to Investigate the situation with reference to public utilities and retail dealers on your respective lines and divisions with a view to developing what portion of tne ot public utilities is nee canary for essentia needs under Dr.

CJarfield's announcement and similar ity what portion of retail dealers' i trade is for essential purposes. These instructions cancel any and all continuing releases which you may have received from me for account or any receivers of coal. If such releases have been issued to receivers who un der the above are considered essen tial, their coal hereafter will be released to them by specific permits Is sued from day to day. tne coai committee at wasnmgton has requested Information by Friday showing consumers who have 1.090 tons or more bituminous coal stocked, prepared In statement form showing first, location of plant; second, ton nace of coal character of business; fourth, daily rate at wnicn tney are consuming coal. Conference With floveraer.

John Ollphant. M. L. Gould and a number of other operators of Indiana collieries conferred today with Govern nor Goodrich to ascertain the' state's attitude In the coal situation. The Governor said there was "nothing special" to come the conference.

K. King, secretary of the Indl anapolis Fire Insurance Agents' As sociation, today issued a warning to those establishments putting in line and other temporary plants for THE IXDUXArOLIS XEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1910. STOCKS Continued from Page which the railroad laterprt min for reiic ojjunptln. In Juoinr horn inartmtnt fcousea.

reHi4otf flat. rttjravna a ot4. The Bijr Four raulreal txlay nnonncH thit uffi 5Bt will power, heat or light, to apply to their Insurance aarenta for permits before doing so. He pointed out that some insurance policies mar be Invalidated by the placing of gasoline engines or other power, The Herron Art Institute announces that the galleries will be keot onen without heat from a. m.

to 4 p. m. on week days and from to p. m. on Sundays because ot the greatly lessened supply oi coai.

The offices and library will be heated. The school building. It Is announced, will be heated to a comfortable temperature by oil stoves which have been bought for that purpose, and will be kept open. The city carbace disposal nlant ia facing the prospect of being forced' to shut down on account of the coal hortace. The plant has about on day's supply of coal left, Dwight S.

Flitter, city purchasing: arent. waa making an effort to get sufficient coal to Keep tne plant in operation. Georce LrCmaux, chairman of the board of public works, which has charge of the collection of garbage, said the collection or garbage would be con tinued in any case i Flee Marshal's Warming H. If. Frledley.

state fire marshal. has issued a second warning to mer chants and others to be particularly careful about substitute 'lign ting to take the place of electricity. He directs attention to the use in some places of gasoline lights and points out that there are from one to ten res in Indiana every day from care less srasolino handllnr and that tin less the additional users of rasoline are careful, still further losses am likely to ensue. The fire marshal also urges great care, in lighting with canaies ana on lamps. WHAT OTHERS DOIXGr Coal coaaervatloa Coaaaalttee to la ejeVlre of Sarroaaalaa Cities.

The coal conservation committee. representing the Industrial consumers of electric power ia Indianapolis, de cided at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday afternoon to lnauiro as to what action eitiaa wiihi a radius of 20S miles are titln conserve coaL From this Information ik was suggesuons applicable to tbe situation in Indianapolis might bo received. The committee. diaon the Indianapolis situation but did notr take any xurxner action, FURTHER SERVICE CURTAILMENT Aatsoaaeeaaeat Made by Wlaoaa lav terarham Railway Coaapaay. The Winona" Interurban Railway Company today' announced a further curtailment of train service, effective Friday, aa a coal conservation measure, i Eight passenger trains will be eliminated, including four early morning trains and four trains late in the evening.

Changes also are made in the freight schedule and in the Peru city car service. llart la Auto Miakap. (Sprl to Tha Indianapolis NewaJ NOBLESV1LLE. Ind, December 4 Miss Anna age twenty, daugh Lter of Peter Walts, was Injured In an automobile accident Wednesdar. Her hand was badly crushed and her face cut and bruised.

She was riding with a party, of friends when the auto montie struck a. telephone pole. Mis niu unconscious for hours. A sevtra PHYSICIAN TRIAL. CaarceeJ With Perteraatae; Opera hies.

Caowed 4ilrr Death. Mrs. Lilly Karabelt of Philadelphia, before a Jsry In criminal court today that Sara Kara bell, her niece. apparently was in good health on July IL ISIS, that she was broaght to her heme on the evening of July 22 by Dr. A.

A. HOI and at that time she" seemed to be drier, and thn. ho died two days Uter. N. The testimony was griven ia tUe trial of thev case of Dr.

Hill an a charge of performlss an illegal operation state charges that he eaased the death of the Karabell girl by performing the operation. Mrs. Karabell. the aunt, was on the wit net stand for more than two hours Thursday. She said she was visiting la Indianapolis In July, ISIS.

The witness was cross examined etoeely ty Michael A. Ryan, of counsel for the defendant, who sought to show that the girl had not said that Dr. Hill performed an operation on her. Claris Adams, oroseeutlnc attorney. said in his.

opening statement to the jury zt the evidence in. the case would snow that the Karabell girt died the: result of an operation. We was io the office of Dr. Wit during most of the afternoon of July 22. he said, and was taken to her home by Dr.

Hill the evening The physician told members of ber family that the girl had been suffering snd bsd come to his office, where he relieved her suffering. Dr. Hill said, ac ordinc to tbe prosecutor, that "she win oe ait Tight now. Mr. Ryan said in the opening statement for the defense that evidence would presented to show that.

the pirl was In the condition that caused her' death before she went to Dr. Hill's office. PUBLIC BEGINS TO FEEL STRIKE PINCH Continued from Page One. competent labor. Pome operators held their attitude, however, or not desiring their properties worked by Inexperienced men.

They ssitt it was a hasardous occupation and pointed to the deaths of six men and serious Injury of three others yesterday at a mine near Clinton. Ind. The killed and Injured were either mine officials or office employes. They set off a badly prepared blast while attempting to get out sufficient coal for the boilers, it was reported. As the coal shortage grows there have 'been numerous complaints of profiteering on substitutes.

The southwest reclonal coa I committee had requested Fuel Administrator Garfield to order that price prevail inc at the bectnninar of the strike be the maximum charges for fuel oil. At other places 11 was said that deal ers were charging exorbitant prices for wood. nnlferlng la Weal. From Iowa, Montana, western Kan sas and Nebraska came complaints of suffering from the fuel shortage. At Butte, Mont scores of old build tngs will be torn down to' provide fuel for needy families, the wood to be provided without cost.

In Chicago a six and one half hour working day In virtually all Indus tries. effectlve tomorrow, had been decreed by the state' public utilities commission. The order also csrrted rastic provisions for reducing trans portation, curtailment of amusements. limtnating oispiay i ignis, towering of temperatures in surface and elevated cars and' cutting off of eleva tors. Theaters were ordered to conduct only six performances a week.

nve nights ana one matinee. picture houses were exempted because they were classed as using tit le power. SEVKN CARLOADS READY. Kansas Volwnteera Prod art Awaits Action by Railroad Trala Crew. PITTSBURG.

December 4. Seven carloads of coal taken from the strip mines near here by volunteer diggers working under the state mine receivers were on track at the mines today, and. according to officials. whether the cars were moved depended oti the attitude of a train crew on the Atchison. Topeka Santa railroad at irontenac.

which yesterday to assist in hauling the coal. However, memoers ot the local railroad brotherhood, after receiving instructions from their national officers to assist In handling the coat. voted to obey and It was exnected that It the Frontenac crew persisted in ita retusai a new crew would be sent in. The coal will be distributed In dis tricts where the fuel shortage is most acute. Plans were made for the openlnc of eleven more pits.

No disorder has been reported in the fields, which still are policed by state and federal troops co operating with civil author ities, CANCELS TROOP RECtt'EST. OkUaoaaa Governor Aets Wbea Negro Soldiers Get Order to Move. OKLAHOMA CITY, December 4. Governor Robertson today canceled his request for troops to ftrotect mine properties, when he earned that two companies of nepro Infantrymen were to be sent to the state from Columbus. N.

M. In a message to Major General Dlckman. commander of the southern dlvl 'on of the army at San Antonio, Governor Robertson said these troops would only Involve us In unnecessary conflict and cor fusion," and formally withdrew his request. 'I Floor Mills MINNEAPOLIS. December 4.

Mem bers of the subregional coal committee have received a statement from Administrator Garfield that flour mills would not be included, in the industries regarded as essential, and therefore could not be supplied with coal. Heads' of the big mills here announced, after a conference with the fuel that electricity generated by water power could be used to keep the mills running at part capacity. 1 ra The box Opal jar gS Besi i 'If yoa want to get rid of eoema7 1 pimples, or other distressing; skin eruption, you ilk accept no "substitute" for esinoL Preparations similar in name or appearance are not just the same as ResinoL" Although a few unscrnpulous deal ers may oflfer them as or far Res inol, they are often crudely made, I of h'ttle healing power, and some may even be dangerous, to use. Buy in the original Hue package Resinol is never sold in brolk i lENGimS LEAVE JOBS; S. AGENTS GET VORDS; An of Continued from Page One.

body. The firemen are also organised, Tha mlnei in tha Clinton Held af, pany. ifive mines; Jackson Hill Coal and Coke Company, two; Clinton Coal Company, three: W. S. Bogle at Co threer Burson Coal Company, two: J.

Deiing Coal Company, two: fn diana Coal Properties, two. and West Clinton Coal Company. Ferguson Spears Coal Company. Biekett aV Shtrkie Coal Company. Vermilion, Coal Company.

Shirk lo Coat Company. Grant Coat and Mining Dana Coal and Mining Company. Zim mermanm Coal Company and the. lri t. w.t.

1 It is said that If the caretakers are called away from the mines great i damasre la liable to result i to the properties and it is not believed that the civil authorities wtu be able to? psotect them from the radical ele ment In the fields where this element is the most DAVIESS COUNTY TROUBLE. Plot to Reswore Eaarlaeera and Pa aa re era Fross Coal Mlaee. (Special to The Indianapolis News) WASHINGTON. Ind December 4 A plot to remove engineers and pumpers from coal mines shut down by the miners' strike was discovered yesterday when the night and day engineers at the mlhe of the Daviess County Fuel Company failed to report for work. Engineers have been kept on duty by the miners so that the mines would be undamaged and In condition to operate when the strike Is settled and the miners are ready to return to work.

The night engineer attiie Daviess County Fuel Company mine did not report for work Tuesday nlg ht and the day engineer failed to renort Wednesday morning. officer of the company visuea me men and asked for an explanation. They told i hlra that two strangers traveling tnroacn wuniry cave mem orders not to go back to work. This mine then telephoned to Blck riell and learned that, the engineers in practically all the Bicknell mines had refused to report for work. The engineer at the Washing ton Wheatland, also failed to report Wednesday morning.

Members of Montgomery mine local, whose members work for the Daviess County Fuel Company are Indignant at the failure ot the engineers to report. They say the miners' organization Is not responsible for the move and that It was contrary to the desires of the miners. They express the belieflhat the two strangers who gave the engineers their quitting orders were Industrial Workers of the World. The matter haa been reported to United States District Attorney 1 s'ck. Clothing for Orphans spnal for capes, coats, sweat hatfc.

and caps for boys and clrls the Indianapolis Orphan Asylum, i made by tbe board of the aermra. 'Mrs. Henry Schumann (telephone. I Harrison lit) having charge of1 the Th orjranlaer lor the Hoisting En Derfonr.ances and gineera Union was In the city last i ita ht arl tha Ifrm. CCnae, since the cold they are without tioo that be held a meeting at ono of Jtnongh warm wraps to make these the smaller hotels lth a number of I pleasure trips.

Elks are to give memoers ox union. is sop TTe'mrthrhotina mas morrjnr' 'the and other United Mine Workers, but belong lo TkII alreet car a separate onranisation from that company at these times but belong to the United Mine Work I tijtt i uUC I nOKt DDRI1PU era. The pumpers have no orgaatza II iaa. unit, kuvni. uiiriawn tion of their own.

but are members of i the United Mine Workers' organise tion and are supposed to follow the leaders of that body. i I Wayne Coaapany aVesvareo Hawale State viatlng to When the strike wa called, the or i fleers of the Mino 1 Union The Ft. Wsyne Printing: Company, rave permission for the engineers, which Monday obtained the greater psra.e, rrTatssS! pn tn bi'" fr ago by flood or fire and It stated that eat two years, has arranged to the failure of the caretakers 'to re jopep a local branch rf Ice with Harry mala on dutw la not atiad br that, iaira er Arniiiiiiian 1 iroutman in cnarge Mine la Cliatoo Mr. Troat. I The Ft.

Way ne company will carry fected by this attempt to take 8tockrooms a sufficient sup tbe caretakers are Miami Coal Corn jpi of staple stocks to meet the state needs promptly. A local represen tative on the job Is expected by the vaiinisrefl Pluto Doesn't Deny It Pluto, waa thoughtfully chewing his cud at the Shrlners' caravansary todayv having finally accomplished the pilgrimage from French lick to participate in the Moslem doings of Ulnnt temnl Friday afternoon. He paay. two of the engineers refused e. Uction of garments.

The hadn't a word to say about' his re n.li5b the home are often asked by tnov I fusal to bo transferred from an ex Hirf kA 4st! tHa ha. Wmx Picture Biinittrt to smesta at press car at Orleans Wednesos), hla arrival at the wnicn Oasis of Indiana whlrh dlrd Oasis of Indianapolis, but an attend ant gave the opinion that the trouble was due to the fact that no Shrlner was present to glve tne proper arable command. 1 Pluto is a camel and came to the city through the courtesy of Thomas Taggart. who borrowed him from Ed Ballard's cirrus. Mr.

Taggart ts one of the Murat temple pioneers and when U. T. Leach, the potentate, asked him to attend the ceremonlsl. he promised that he would not only do so but would btinaT a camel with him, Mr. Taggart came on ahead to attenu a little political pow wow.

intrusting tbe camel to othergjhands and that's how It happened. Jan a It. Ortsaeyer Dead. Imperial to Tne Indiana poe News EVANSVILLe. Intt.

December 4. John If. Ortmeyer, age sixty seven. man la assistant clerk of the state formerly a furniture manufacturer. Iprlnttng board He will resign that I who eretlred from active business several years ago.

dieT Thursday at a local nospiiai. lie Bianco aa a cabinetmaker and became a member ot the firm of Puster at furniture manufacturers, which afterward be came the Indiana Furniture Company. company to enable It to handle its I Surviving are a wiaow, tour sons sua contracts more expeditiously. ono daughter. Coffee's flavor, which is.

part an ctrink of the solace comt is ort or the retained to I i 1 JUILf the last grain when kept in perfected airtight Three can. yi I i i a aaSaWaTt.aaaS.aa.Ui RUB NEURALGIA 1 'AViAY! El'D PA111' Instant relief from nerve tor ture and misery with old 'St. Jacobs Liniment." Get a small trial bottle! Rub this soothing, penetrating liniment rijrht into the eore, inflamed nerves, and like majjic neuralgia disappears. "St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pain.

It is a harmlesi neuralgia relief which doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and jrently rub the "ach injf nerves and just a moment you will be absolutely free from pain, ache and suffering, but what will please you more is, that the misery will not come back. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia misery is in the face, head or any part of the body, you get instant relief and without in Use Famo Regularly on the Children's Hair Start early to assure the children healthy scalps by usini FAMO their heads every day. Playing children can't escape dirt.

Dirt stimulates the ftrowth of the seborrhea term which causes. da drufif. FAMO ia actually a medicine. It Idas this terra, and keeps the hair and scalp healthy and clean. It also makes stubborn hair easier to train and tives the hair of both boys and girls a beautiful" sheen, of which all mothers are proud.

The child who uses FAMO regularly will never suffer from itchy scalp; and the boy can look forward to manhood without fear of early baldness or gray hair. FAMO is a wonderful trestment foe the hair and scalp, that was developed in one of the old pharmaceutical houses of Detroit, Not only does it "destroy thet deadly dandruff bacilli, but it makes the hair soft and luxuriant. i I Every member of the family ahould use FAMO every dayas any tood medicine is used. FAMO Is sold at ail toilet toods counters, in two sires $1 and 3S cents, The larger bottle contains a third more than the average. If it does not give satisfaction, money will be refunded.

it th mecicnmo foe morbidly increased Tow from thm sebaceous tlanda of fh acap. 'Ttf teborrhesn screfon form in acaies 'or Taxes and ia com' monty known as dandruff. From 'the laboratories of F. A. Thompson Company, Manufacturing Pharmacists, Detroit, Michigan.

v' An Invitation to Music Lovers SundayuUternobn, Dpc. 7th, 3:00 o'clock The Distinguished. Pianist will be heard in a concert at which the most modern and comprehensive of all musical instruments the Chickering Ampico Reproducing Piano, will be subjected to an exacting and critical test to determine whether its reproduction" differs in any discernable degree from the" playing of thel performer. Several direct comparisons between Mr, Ornstein's playing and the Ampico reproduction of his playing will be. made.

Music lovers and all those who are interested in the advancement" of musical art are cordially invited Admittance by ticket only, which may be secured WITHOUT CHARGE. Call or Telephone E. L. Leniid Main 2109 16 North Meridian Slrcct 4 Com pany Ilders tlrejg (Korea. Iirooks LI war Ktore.

I A yres etc Co, It. P. Usssaa A Co. Hook's Droa stores, he Pearaoa DrwaT Ce. laalaaa Dry t.eoda Co.

Mirett' Dry Oooda Store. Pettla Dry Goods Co. Smtrimt Fmm Agaofs Auto. 23 113.

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